About me!

Firstly, and probably most importantly, what instruments do I play?

I am most interested in playing bass guitar and performing vocals. I can also play guitar, but you could definitely find a better guitarist. I can also play mandolin, ukulele, banjo (not very well though), and clarinet, although I doubt you'll ever need me to play any of those for you.

I don't know where else to put this, so I just thought I'd mention here that I have experience playing bass guitar in jazz settings.

What kind of music do I want to make?

I'm kinda thinking a 3-piece rock ensemble playing a variety of different styles, but I'm definitely not married to that. Do you want to play with more than 2 other people? I'm down. Do you want to be a strictly punk band? I can work with that. Whatever you want to do, I'm cool with it. I just want to be in a band.

A full list of bands whose sounds I would be interested in emulating will be listed towards the end of this page.

What do I see myself bringing to the band?

I can write songs. I like to think I'm pretty good at writing interesting music, but you can be the judge of that. I can also sing, so if you need a background vocalist, that can be me. If you need a lead vocalist, that can also be me. I love to sing. I love to scream. I love to make my mouth make noise.

Who... am I?

I don't know how I didn't get to this sooner. Admittedly, the instruments I play and the kind of music I want to make are probably more important than, like, what kind of food I like. So, hi, I'm Nathan Scott Peters, and yes, I'd like to be referred to with my middle name if/when I get into the music business. (I just think it sounds better with the Scott in there.) I am 19 years old as of the last time this page was updated. I am a linguistics major at OSU, and I'd prefer to be in a band with other OSU students, but obviously I don't care where you live/what school you go to if you're a good musician. I use whatever pronouns you want to use for me. If you have a problem with that, then you're obviously not cool enough to be in a band with me.

Finally, as promised, my food preferences. I am a HUGE fan of Indian cuisine, especially mutter paneer, especially especially spicy mutter paneer. I also love Taco Bell. Cheese-based food and potato-based food is awesome.

What bands do I want to inspire our music?

Obviously not an extensive list of all the artists I like, just the ones who make music similar to what I want to make. Again, I'm not married to using these people as inspiration, so go ahead and tell me we're making different music.

Here's the list:

Algernon Cadwallader
I actually haven't listened to more than a couple songs from these guys yet, but I dig it.
American Beauty
These guys released one EP like 5 years ago and I guess they fell off when COVID happened. I strongly recommend checking it out.
American Football
If you're good at counting.
Cap'n Jazz
Can't go wrong with the classics.
Cage the Elephant
Thank You, Happy Birthday is such a gnarly, creative record. Cage the Elephant has truly been one of the saddest, if not the saddest sellouts of all time.
Death Grips
Just hear me out: Death Grips already kinda has some rock tunes, right? We can work with that. At least, I hope we can.
Fall Out Boy
I can't help it... They're just so catchy. Feel free to call me basic.
If you're into making something softer.
A Great Big Pile of Leaves
I've only ever listened to their first album. Absolute banger, though.
King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard
Of course. Who doesn't love these guys?
My Chemical Romance
Mostly looking at the earlier part of their career.
I'm really just thinking about This Is Why. Not that their earlier stuff is bad, but their newer stuff sounds more fun to play.
Sloppy Jane
All of their stuff is good, but I'd mostly be interested in taking inspiration from their earlier work.
System of a Down
Obviously I'm thinking of their harder shit, but their mellower tunes are also awesome.
Talking Heads
Sans keyboards, obviously. Unless you know someone who wants to play keys.
Thank You Scientist
A lofty goal, I know, but if you want to be in a weird prog metal/jazz fusion band with me, I am SO down.
They Might Be Giants
Included more for lyrical inspiration than musical inspiration.
Vampire Weekend
Again, sans keyboards unless you know someone.
The Velvet Underground
I think this one is kinda obvious.

And finally... What do I look like?

An image of my image.

A recent picture of myself. I prefer to stay shaven, but obviously I haven't been keeping up with that.